Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Secret Project: Car Rug/Caddy

I don't know why I keep calling this the secret project.  I've actually been talking about it quite a bit; it's certainly no secret.  I guess I just like the stealthy and intriguing sound it gives it.  Anyway, I worked all day yesterday to create this very fun and unique car rug/caddy for Cameron.  I actually had seen the ideas and formulated my plans a few months ago, even bought the fabric.  But there it sat, and there I stared at it.  I was actually really nervous about putting this together, and I knew it would be time consuming and tedious project.  But Tuesday afternoon, Elissa had a follow up appointment at the doctors office from her hospital visit.  We waited for over an hour to see the you usually do for a late afternoon appointment, and I could have kicked myself for not having made the car caddy yet.  It certainly would have kept Cameron occupied.  If you know my son, you know his deep love of cars, particularly hot wheels.  He carries them EVERYWHERE!!!!  When we leave the house, he'll have them stuffed in his pockets, and in his hands.  I knew this would be perfect for taking cars with us, giving him something to play on, and keeping all the cars contained, instead of rolling around the diaper bag.  I got the idea for the Car Rug/Caddy from this amazing tutorial from Homemade by Jill and then I combined this tutorial from Fiskars.

So without further is my version of the On the Go Car Caddy/Play Rug.....
There are six pockets for holding cars.

All the road and pieces are made out of felt.  I particularly love the gas station with the working hose (made from a shoelace).

It closes up so tiny, just perfect for a diaper bag, and playing on the go.  
I am most proud of my applique job on the front, with the car.  I have never ever appliquéd, and I never ever thought I would.  But now...I may be slightly addicted, and want to appliqué everything.  It will certainly take more practice, but I don't think I did too shabby for my first attempt.

And folding this thing is as easy as....





The best part though, is how much Cameron loves it already.  Infact I didn't even officially get to "give" it to him.  He saw it on the dresser this morning, and noticed the car on the front.  He had seen me working on it yesterday, and I told him it was for him.  He grabbed up the caddy, and started saying, "thank you mom, thank you mom!"  
Another project checked off my list!

1 comment:

Lynda Bowling said...

Adorable, Laura!! You did such a great job!