Thursday, January 7, 2010

Meet my family

Well, I figure since you'll be hearing an awful lot about these characters, I should probably tell you a little bit about them. 

First, I would like you to meet my husband Nick.  He's the best!  And I am sure that I don't deserve him.  He is everything good, loving, kind, considerate, helpful.  And I feel so perfectly loved by him.  He scrubs toilets, loads the dishwasher, changes poopy diapers, gives kids baths, reads them stories, and gives piggy-back rides. He is my best friend and the love of my life.  I am so blessed to be his wife.

Next I would like you to meet my adorable and stubborn son, Cameron.   Cameron is almost 2 years old, and he keeps me on my toes.  From birth, he was always demanding, but would steal your heart with his smile.  Now we can see so much of his personality.  He will fight you until the very end if he thinks he is right (or sometimes just to drive me crazy, I am sure).  He always has a hug for you, and he loves all things cars, planes and trains. 

And last, but not least, my beautiful daughter Elissa.  She just turned 2 months old.   She is so easy going, and full of smiles right now.  But watch out for that bottom lip.  If you upset her, she'll stick it out a mile, begin to cry and break your heart. 

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