Friday, January 8, 2010

Testing my Patience

Today has just been one of those days with my son.  Now let me start out by clarifying how much I love him.  He can be such a sweetie, but he also has a very quick temper and is extremely strong-willed.  Not a good combination.  All morning long he has been getting into trouble: throwing toys, hitting me or the dog, yelling, climbing on the chair and onto the counter, and just being an overall stinker in general.  I am so exhausted after constantly telling him "no", or sending him to time out, or giving a spanking.  I often begin to wonder on days like this, if I am doing this whole 'discipline' right?  Maybe I'm too strict for a toddler?  Maybe there's a better method that would work with him?  Maybe I'm not showing him in the right way who is 'boss'?  I am constantly second guessing myself.  Especially after he has had 2 or 3 spankings for getting out of his bed at naptime.  He knows he should stay in bed, but he quietly climbs out, watching to see if I'm coming back in room.  And when I do return he races back to his bed with this devious grin on his face.  Where did this child come from?  One time of that, and I would have never gotten back out of bed as a kid.  Maybe my son was switched at birth?  No that's not possible, he looks exactly like my husband.  I guess I carry on, and continue to pray that God will help show me what Cameron needs and what I should do in this area. And if you think of it....whisper a little prayer for me.

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