Tuesday, January 5, 2010

NOW let's do it!

It was about a year ago that I first attempted to set up this blog. But I really had no idea what I was doing, and quite frankly...felt a little silly. So I stopped. But now I'm ready to give it another go. Should be a good New Years resolution. I frequently find myself with a constant "narration" running through my head during the day. So many thoughts that I would love to share with others, or just jot down for me to look back on one day. Some are thoughtful, some are frivolous, and most will be about....my children. Because that is the most important thing that I am right now - a MOTHER. I just thought it would be so neat to share with myself, or whoever else is reading this, the daily happens in my home and my head. I have an 'almost' two year old (who has been in his terrible 2's for almost 8 months now), and a beautiful daughter,who is 2 months old today. My life is busy, and fun, and tiring, and now I'm going to share it.

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