Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Adventures in MommyLand - Good Behavior Charts

I think I'll start something new today.  I'm a mom and I love to glean wisdom from other mothers.  I love to read other mom blogs.  They're so smart, and I'm so thankful they share their ideas.  It inspires me.  So I too want to contribute to the mommy world of smart ideas, because you never know who you might help.  So begins my Adventures in MommyLand.  I hope you might find some inspiring ideas for your life here.

For my first Adventures in MommyLand post I thought I would share my newest idea.  It's still in trial, but seems to be going well.  You may have read other posts about my son, and how hard it has been for me to win the battle of control with him.  But I assure you, he is a sweet boy full of love and joy.  It's not all his fault.  He has a 4 month old sister, and adjusting to sharing his parents, home and toys is part of the rocky road.  I have noticed that a majority of the time his bad behavior starts when I'm feeding, changing or rocking Elissa.  I do my best to give Cameron every spare second I have, but it never seems to be enough.  I've come to the conclusion he is just going to have to get used to not being the center of the universe any longer.  In the meantime, time outs, whining, spankings, hitting, throwing and screaming are really starting to wear me down.  I constantly search for new ideas in the discipline department that will make an impact on this strong willed little boy.  I'm going to try focusing on his good behavior and praising him ALOT.  So we started something new yesterday; the Good Behavior Chart.
Cameron has a deep love for stickers.  He will sometimes do almost anything for a beloved sticker.  And I love that he loves stickers.  Although, he won't keep a sticker on his shirt.  He insists on carrying it around in his hand, and I have caught him twice now, attempting to place the sticker on the wall.  Not to mention, eventually the dog finds the sticker, and that makes Cameron very upset when she eats it.   So I found these great little incentive charts for him to place his stickers on.  Everytime he has good behavior like, playing nicely, doing what he told without arguing, etc, we put a sticker on the chart. Once his chart is full we'll make a special trip to the store to buy a Hot Wheel car.  You can do any small gift that you want, but Cameron adores little cars, and I adore that they are under a dollar.   He is loving it so far.  I really like how these charts are small.  I think that helps younger kids reach the goal sooner and helps them see how the reward relates to their behavior.  

Here's the incentive charts and stickers I purchased at our local teacher resource store. $5 total for both items, and so far it seems to be well worth it.

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