I can hardly believe that you are 4 months old already, Elissa. You're my little pumpkin (since you were born in the fall). Even though it seems I'm still learning to adjust to life with 2 children and all the chaos that creates, I can't imagine life without you anymore. I love having you as a part of our family. You bring us double the joy.
~ I love your big happy grin that you give me, just because you spotted me. I love even more, the happy little giggle I get when I start talking to you.
~the way you chatter and gurgle. Like you're really trying to having 'girl talk' with me. It makes me excited to think about all the 'girl talks' we will have. And hopefully shopping trips too.
~I love that I can do a whole load of 'pink' and when I empty the lint trap on the dyer, it's all pink. It always makes me smile. I love to dress you up all girly.
~your bright and beautiful eyes. And how they get so BIG when you're excited.
~And who couldn't love those cheeks. Now I know why old ladies love to pinch cheeks. But I just love to kiss yours.
~I love the way you bounce around in your jumperoo. You are so free and happy in there. I call it 'your happy place'. You love to bounce in there as much as your brother did.
~the way that I can put a bow or clippy in the top of your hair, even though you're bald all around the rest of your head, from rubbing your head.
~I was so excited to put your hair in a little ponytail. It was so adorable and you didn't seem to mind at all. It's so cute just sticking straight up.
~ I love your large assortment of bibs. I'm sure we wear at least 5 a day and 3 clothing changes a day right now. You drool and spit up SOOOOO much. But I know it means teeth are on their way.
~I love how strong you are becoming. You love to sit up. If we try to lay you back, or I place you in bouncy seat, you try to do a baby sit up and sit yourself upright. I'm sure you'll be sitting up long before you start rolling. You are similar to your brother in your development.
~I love how you can grasp all your toys now. It makes play time so much more intriguing for you.
~how you hold your bottle. It's one of my favorite times, snuggling and feeding you.
~You are getting so much better at tummy-time these days. It still doesn't last long, but you're doing great, holding you're head up at a 90 degree angle now.
~I love the ruffles on the butt of your pants.
~I LOVE the way you poke your bottom lip out and pout right before you start to cry. Apparently you inherited this little trait from me. And I can't help but laugh every time you do. It's so cute.
~You love to pull the little butterfly doll on changing table down, onto your tummy when I'm changing you.
1 comment:
Oh she is just precious!!!! I love her little ponytail...sticks up like Ladybug's!!!
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