Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An Exceptionally Spit-upy Week

I know it's been a while since I've blogged, but honestly, I got a little scared.   I had no knowledge of how blogs really worked, previously.  So instead of buying "Blogging for Idiots", I've just been scouring around, trying to figure out all the many features of blogging.  In the meantime, I've come across a few favorites that I have been following.  Which, coincidentally, are written by other mothers of young children or about children-like things.  As much as I have enjoyed their beautiful writings, I began to feel uncertain about mine.  Oh sure, when I was younger I loved to write.  I once dreamed of being an author.  I loved to write stories in my notebook.  I was always dreaming up something.  I even won a few writing contests.  But then it felt like my creativity left me, sometime in high school.  It never returned.  And now, as a slightly tired mother, I feel I can barely keep one foot in front of another, let alone write eloquently on a blog for all the world to read.  But the desire has still been here.  I'm not sure why, but I really really want to write.  So after a week of debate, I have decided I'll write.  It may not be beautiful and picturesque, but maybe that will follow after some practice.  Who knows maybe my creativity will return.

Well this week has been rather spit-upy, in more ways than one.  I've been feeling a little "raw".  I'm not sure how else to word it.  And I'm certain that this winter gloom and doom is no help at all.  In fact, the days that the sun shines, are probably the only thing that keeps me hopeful right now.  It reminds that spring will come.

Elissa's spit-up on the other hand, I'm not sure what that reminds me of.  Perhaps it helps to keep me in check that, I'm just a mother of two, one in the throws of the terrible two's and the other decorating me in spit-up every few seconds.  And maybe I should quit expecting so much out of myself at this time in my life.  Maybe I should quit trying to do it all.

Well besides wiping spit-up from my shirt, pants, hair, etc., there has been many wonderful and fun moments taking place in our little household the past few weeks.
Daddy and Cameron built a wonderful fort out of a blanket and some chairs on cold winters evening.

Cameron has been enjoying showing off all his cars to his sister.  He'll tell you if he's holding a 'blue car'.  He can't identify any other cars.  So I'm not sure if this is just by coincidence, or if he's actually at that point of learning colors.  I'm getting ready to do some Tot School with him at least 3 days a weeks, once Elissa starts a 'normal' schedule and begins taking a nice morning nap.  I thought it would be a great opportunity to do some learning and have just some special time with Cameron.  I"ll keep you updated on that when we begin.

Elissa is taking in the world around her.  She is becoming so much more aware of everything. She reaches out for toys, and is always smiling.  She'll sit and watch you and and soon as you turn your head in her direction, she let's out a great big grin, from ear to ear.  She's such a joy.

I bought these 'Big brother' and 'Little Sister' shirts way back when we first found out I was pregnant with a little girl.  I have been dying to take a cute photo with them snuggling together in their shirts, grins on their faces.  Elissa is out of 0-3 month clothes, but I squeezed the shirt on, and hoped we could capture a nice moment.

No such luck.  Big brother would have nothing to do with sitting next to his sister that day.  He didn't want the camera in his face and he certainly wasn't about to cooperate. (Even if I had thrown a bribe or two in there).  

So this is it.  The photo of the sibling shirts.  I can't help but look at it and laugh.  Aaaaaahhhh, welcome to my life. You just never know what the day will bring.

And last but not least.  I hauled out the Jumperoo for Elissa today.  This was, by far, Cameron's most favorite toy ever.  He would happily bounce for hours if I let him.  I think they must like the freedom of movement, and for my Acid Reflux children, being upright.  Elissa's eyes lit up by the new toys that circled the seat.  She didn't catch on to the bouncing yet, but was certainly entertained by the toys and the bird hanging above.  It almost breaks my heart to see her in this toy.  It means the newborn stage is definitely over.  (although her heavy 14pd. body has been telling me that for while now).  It's always fun to watch your children grow and develop, and it's sad at the same time.  I think the time goes by so quickly.  And you're sleep deprived.  And you can't even seem to remember how she felt curled up in your arms as a little newborn.  Or how her hair smelled. Or how she would just stare at your eyes, and I knew she felt safe and loved.  I could have stayed at that age and place just a little longer.  It goes by so quickly.
But now we're on to reaching, and grabbing and bouncing and spit-up.  OH the spit-up.  It's strange how one day, I'll probably miss the spit-up rags, white spots on my shirt, and that smell.  So I'll try to treasure the spit-up, all the spit-up in my life.  And remember that one day it will be gone, and I'll think of all the good memories from that spit-upy time of life.

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