This morning, amidst broken hearts and broken dreams, I searched here, on the blogs, for a distraction from my pain. I knew I should turn my heart toward Jesus. But with our "quiet time" hours away and children being rather noisy, I thought I could at least find something to turn my mind to until then. I immediately stumbled upon another writer who was taking on the 1000 Gifts challenge. I did a little looking, and I knew this was the distraction that my heart needed. Instead of attempting to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and trying to bear the pain for my loved ones, I knew I should be finding joy and thankfulness in the little blessings and grace that God gives me everyday.
You have recorded my troubles.
You have kept a list of my tears.
Aren't they in your records?
~Ps. 56:8
You have kept a list of my tears.
Aren't they in your records?
~Ps. 56:8
Ann Voskamp from Holy Experience posted this this morning "If God makes a list of my laments, I will make a list of God's love. If God has a list of my pain, I will make a list of my praise. If God writes a list of my tears, I will write a list of my thanks." I was so touched at the thought that my marvelous creator could possibly take the time to record my grief. That He cares that much for ME. And because he cares that much for me, I will praise His name through all the endless gifts that He gives to me each new day.
So here, I begin my quiet hour with the Lord, by publicly making known to everyone, the thousands of gifts He has given me.
1. the forgiving and abundant love of my Savior. And the gift of Heaven I have received by accepting His love.
2. a loving husband who loves in the good times and the bad. Who loves with his whole heart. Who is compassionate, kind and thoughtful. Who loves me in spite of my flaws.
3. for my two children. When I look at them I am so amazed at the miracle of life. That God created them in my womb. That they are piece of my husband and I. That God has plans for them.
4. a warm home on these cold and dreary winter days.
5. for my health.
6. Sleep. I don't always get alot of it at this time in my life. But this morning the children all stayed in bed and quiet until 10 minutes past 6 today. I was so very grateful.
7. Warm showers that cleanse and clear my senses.
8. Soft beds that I can crawl under the sheets and drift away to slumber as another day comes to an end.
9. for family that is always there.
10. for aunts that love my children and babysit and play choo choo trians and give piggy back rides
11. for uncles that stop by and give little boys attention by putting together puzzles.
12. coffee that keeps me going on sleepy days, and tastes like white chocolate mochas.
13. friends that are supportive and pray.
14. sweet smelling babies
15. little boys with messy hair after naps.
16. Special valentine traditions that I can begin with my own little family now.
17. Anda husband that has 2 dozen roses delivered to your door.
The list can go on. I'm finding it so easy to be thankful for so much. Those small moments and things that can be so easily overlooked. I look forward to working toward my thousand every Monday morning. What a perfect way to start off my week; praising my Lord.
1 comment:
I love your loving thoughts that you share so openly about our Father! <3
Your words give me inspiration and hope everyday as a wife, mother, and a women of GOD. Thank you for your loving thoughts. I love your ability to be able to put yourself out there!
Keep it up!
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