Today the sun is shining, I have my front door open to let in all the light, and it's
Monday Tin Monday. It's no theme today, and that's probably a good thing. My refrigerator and cupboards are bare. I attempted to go grocery shopping multiples times last week, but I didn't even have a car until Thursday. My husband was busy working on his car every night of the week. So Friday I finally packed up the kids and headed for Meijer. This only happens if I absolutely HAVE to. It is so hard to keep one kid happy in the store while you shop for groceries, but 2....good luck. I won't go into detail, but I can assure you, it was gruesome. Needless to say, we didn't leave the store with much of anything. So, there's my sorry excuse for my lousy muffin tin lunch today. It's definitely not stellar, but at least it's something. We did at least pick up a nice 6 cup muffin tin for the lunches.
Top, from left to right: strawberry yogurt, raisins, and S'more goldfish
Bottom, left to right: Colby jack cheese and corn tortilla kabobs, Cheese curls, and then more of the kabobs.
The cheese and tortilla kabobs did not work well for Cameron's age (25 months). He couldn't figure out how to get the stuff of the toothpick. I ended up having to take it all off for him, but it definitely peeked his curiosity.
P.S. I think daddy is slightly jealous of Cameron's fun Muffin Tin lunches.
Head over to
Muffin Tin Mom to see what other mothers are doing for Muffin tin lunches. Next week is back to the color series theme, and the color is
Yellow. Yum!
What a great creative idea for feeding little ones!! I'm passing this on to Kati!!
I think your tin came out well. Nice food choices.
i like the kabob idea!
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